Just a square peg in a round hole.
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Age 25, Male

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littlbox's News

Posted by littlbox - July 2nd, 2021

Boy, what a month!

I made my monthly littlMix of some of my favorite tracks from June, and I gotta say, there are some real bangers in there! Give it a listen if you feel like it:

Artists Showcased:

@tvroom, @GameBoyFireworks, @slowfreq, @SPURME (which I may or may not have accidentally read as "SPREME"), @keff1e, @Wilieu, @WaxTerK, @Demonicity, @cribble, @LLAAPPSSEE, @LoneSpaceInvader, @Rooldook, @LaserBrainNG, @theburger20052, @Sawdust, @AntonCorazza, @Nechanical, @soapdrip, @CabbageClock, @spicybagel, @UmbrellaLife, @ConnorDeVaux, @ShelbyBryant, @DESKPOP, @ShayMo73, @ThatAndyGuy, @POSTELVIS, @nelward, @vocaloutburst, @Joe-Mega, @LobsterMango, @Potatoman, @StaggerNight, @bitbeak


As for what I did last month, I...

  • made a new LIP HEADS episode called KITTY:

  • I also did some singing for my friend @GoodL's submission for the Stay Awake Jam:

  • Tried my hand at making a "video collage":

  • Oh! And I participated in a podcasting panel in the Newgrounds Festival hosted by @Stanpai with my co-horts @GoodL, @PsychoGoldfish, @Xinxinix, and @VoicesByCorey! It was really cool to be a part of that, and to see that kickass animation at the beginning as it was premiering. Thanks to Stanpai and everyone who made that event possible!

If you wanna see said panel, it's here at around the thirty minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7WgSC4UxkE


Not a whole lot on the surface, but a crap-ton behind the scenes. I've been working on music within and outside of my comfort zone, and I hope to share some of that in the coming month.

I'll also be going to California later this month to shoot some interviews for the Logan Whitehurst documentary! Very excited about that, and I'll be sure to tell y'all all about it in the next monthly review.

Until then, don't drink the pink lemonade.

UPDATE: Silly me! I forgot the biggest one of all! I hit 400 fans! A huge thanks to everyone who's been watching my stuff for this long!





Posted by littlbox - June 2nd, 2021

Choo Choo

It's the littlbox train passing through. Call this my "May review" post/

I just posted my two-parter littlMix for the month. The first part being my favorite 30 tracks from this past month, which was almost excruciating to limit to just 30! But if you like a wide variety of Newgrounds music, you may like my picks:

Artists Showcased:

@DESKPOP, @elieltomas, @WaxTerK, @UndervaniaMusic, @Quarl, @Miyolophone, @H20studios, @nikshalark, @HeyJellyBear, @lotuspath, @Bitbeak, @BulrogtheSorcerer, @POSTELVIS, @nondox, @Kingbastard, @cribble, @bobenshibobsled, @Yoshiii343, @Seprix, @ShelbyBryant, @Wandaboy, @ARAMort, @cavequest, @AsheSnyder, @theburger20052, @Ranipla, @GizmoDude8128, @JamesHeart, @Thomastique, @cjsixpointfive

The second part is a sit-down interview with @ShelbyBryant, who just re-released his album Cloud-Wow Music onto Bandcamp for the album's 20th anniversary.

I'd highly suggest (very highly (as in I'm not asking, I'm telling you)) checking out the album and interview, as Shelby's an amazing guy and makes incredible music. Here's a link to the album: https://shelbybryant.bandcamp.com/album/cloud-wow-music

Back to littlbox, I posted two movies to the portal this month, the first of which being my Spring Scene project for my Directing class at UNCSA this year. It's live-action and slow-paced, so it's not everyone's cup of tea, but if you happen to be a pretentious film student, I'd love the feedback:

The second of which is the newest Lip Heads episode - THE TREEHOUSE. Prepare to be blown away:

Made a collage:

Oh, and I voiced Tangy Mustard for @Tiltro's Pico Day cartoon:

Been a busy month! Unusually so - I don't think this is a rate I can keep up with, especially once I go back to school. But I'm glad to have gotten so much out there.

This month I already have a few things in the works to produce, so keep an eye out for those. They may or may not resemble rotting meat in texture and flavor.

Anyways, enough about me...how was your May?





Posted by littlbox - May 3rd, 2021

Howdy all!

April's littlMix is out - this one has probably some of my new favorite tracks from Newgrounds, so if you're a music fan, be sure to give it a listen:

Featured Artists

@Marifax, @Pant0don, @kawaisprite, @GoodL, @floorboardofficial, @JamesHeart, @Diivi, @SynchroSpectre, @JazzDew, @keff1e, @Lashmush, @fearing, @slowfreq, @CaperCube, @Hattoman,@Trubiso, @bobenshibobsled, @BathingInAcheron, @ShelbyBryant, @radicaldawg, @ArtificalParadise, @Yoshii343, @theburger20052, @Aghostinmyroom, @tapestry2016, @bitbeak, @REPULSION97

Also, I am finally out of school for the summer! As always, I have a million and one things I'd like to do, but I'm going to spend some time to prioritize and figure that stuff out. There are a couple of Lip Heads in the works, and I hope to get one out by the end of the month.

I'm going to be uploading a live-action video soon too, so just giving y'all a heads up. Don't say I didn't warn you.

In the meantime, I've been able to help out on a few cool people's vids! (@HarrisonWyrick, @MushroomPete, @Tiltro) You can check those videos out here:

Take care, and see you soooooooooooooooon-ish.





Posted by littlbox - April 12th, 2021

Hey folks!

It's me, your littl' box man. And, much like other online musicians, I have an EP out on Bandcamp. It's called...

CAPTAINSIDEWAY - the short end


Who the frazzle dazzle is Captainsideway?

Captainsideway is the name of some private driveway next door to the apartments I used to live in. As soon as I saw the sign, I thought, "Hey, that's a pretty cool band name," so this is my attempt at what I think a band named Captainsideway would sound like.

What kind of music is it?

If you like rock instrumentals in weird time signatures, you'll probably like this. It's kind of like "post-rock meets video game music meets Arnold Palmer and they go and play a game of tennis together."

Where can I listen to this fantabulous music?

First off, fantabulous isn't a word. Stop destroying the English language!!

You can stream the EP in its entirety, or download it (at name your price (which means you can download it for FREE if you want (but it'd be nice to throw a couple pennies my way too (but hey, it's your decision, I'm not going to force you one way or the other (but it'd be really nice to have a couple bucks, just sayin')))) off of my Bandcamp page here:


I'm also uploading each track to the Newgrounds audio portal, so you can listen and download them from NG as well!:

Finally, if you're a YouTube music streamer, you can listen to it in its entirety here:

I hope you get the chance to check it out, and maybe it even gives you a little ray of sunshine? Maybe?

In any case, hope y'all are doing well, and I'll see you next time I break into your house.





Posted by littlbox - April 4th, 2021

Hey there fellow sentient beings!

I've got some new weird substances boiling inside of my gut, and they've been regurgitated onto the internet.

I've got a new littlMix for some of my favorite Newgrounds tracks of March 2021. If you like your tunes curated by some weirdo with eclectic tastes, check it out!:

Artists Showcased

@nightbuggg, @StillCrisp, @Missionary-music, @cribble, @DaneJacobs, @WaxTerK, @Reeez, @Babasmas, @keff1e, @Carmet, @Michael-Flaherty, @DIBLIS, @Breakcore11, @JacksonTime, @Kingbastard, @BulrogtheSorcerer, @Bertn1991, @bagelmakes, @TofuTehSurvivor, @ORI-TAGGART, @LordAndiso, @CoolDudeWithPizza, @SourJovis, @JojoTully, @ShelbyBryant,@nikshalark, @driftcat, @iori22, @Bitbeak

Also, today I released the newest installment in the chronicles of LIP HEADS -- The Gardener:

Finally, next week I'm going to be dropping an EP of some new music. I'll be sharing it here on NG as well as on Bandcamp.

That's all for now. Carry on with your procrastinating on that paper that you really don't want to write but you have to but it's so stupid you'd rather be watching professional juggling compilations on YouTube...





Posted by littlbox - March 8th, 2021

Hey hey hey hey hey

I just finished a new Lip Heads short - JONNY APPLESEED

Also, my pal and fantastic artist @bitbeak just put out a new EP! I don't think he can make these frontpage posts, and I want to be sure that this gets as much love as possible.

You can download it off of Bandcamp for however much you want here:


You can also stream it here in it's entirety on Newgrounds:



Posted by littlbox - February 27th, 2021

Howdy Howdy Beans & Chowdy.

Here's the newest episode of littlMix, out today, containing my favorite Newgrounds tracks from the last two weeks!

Artists Showcased

@ValentNG, @Karsys, @keff1e, @AuSk, @VrimeMusic, @SignatureMusic, @Tremulos, @doffu0000, @vermeen, @theburger20052, @ConnorDeVaux, @Nechanical, @ColeBob, @ZabuJard, @yelldow, @ninjamuffin99, @bitbeak

Also, due to school, I've decided to start making this a monthly podcast. I'll probably end up posting an episode on the last day of every month containing my favorite songs from that past month. It'll work out better that way - I organize my playlists by month anyways, and at that point I've been able to trim my playlist to my 30 favorite songs.

Keep on truckin'!





Posted by littlbox - February 14th, 2021

Happy Valentine's to all! Fun fact: St. Valentine's favorite sandwich was a 6 inch meatball sub on white, toasted, with provolone cheese.

I put out a new littlMix yesterday with some of my favorite Newgrounds songs from the last week:

Artists Showcased

@Sudstep, @TeraVex, @cribble, @MuteHero, @h2oOtter, @Precipitation24, @Ekebis, @Kingbastard, @Parablebox, @8BitAndChill, @SkyeWint

I've also released a sad breakup song just in time for the holiday!

If you ever get the chance to check out Emitt Rhodes, do. He was like a one-man Beatles in the early 70s who got screwed over by his recording contract. He's got a couple of really good songs, including "Promises I've Made". So I decided to do it over in a 2010s pop style with my robot voice.

By the way, the fantastic artwork is done by none other than @TheDyingSun! Go check her out - she's got some really cool artwork.

Since Newgrounds is iffy on covers, I've decided not to post it here. However, it's free to download on Bandcamp, and you can stream it on YouTube:

Hope you enjoy this day with whoever you tolerate spending time with.





Posted by littlbox - February 6th, 2021

The first littlMix of the month is out! Check it out HERE:

Artists Showcased

@SourJovis, @Super-shape, @Bassclefff, @Tremulos, @matthieumusic, @Vista-Sound13, @Wilieu, @WaxTerK, @Kingbastard, @Jayuff, @Ro-may-o2, @Bitbeak

This episode's only about half an hour long, but that's because I spent most of this week getting ready for school, which is where I am now!

However, I don't plan on going completely dark during this semester. These littlMixes are a nice and simple way to interact with the community, and I plan to keep on doing them as long as I have time. And I have a new Lip Heads in the works that will be out by the end of the month (fingers crossed).

So in the meantime, don't eat the key lime pie.

It's poisoned.





Posted by littlbox - February 2nd, 2021

it's mah birthday

i am twenty one years old

