Just wanted to take a quick moment and express gratitude for hitting 700 fans!
Whether you're coming in from my music, littlMixes, blindly following every person who worked on LUCKYBOY, or have been with me since 2016, I appreciate what love and support my littl contributions to the site have gotten. I hope my various pieces of art have touched you in an appropriate and consensual way.
On my end, I'm starting up my final year of school next week, and currently balancing pre-production on my thesis film and completing post-production on the Logan Whitehurst documentary. It's a tricky balance for sure, but it'll be such a joy and relief to have them completed.
Also, I'm really glad to have made the Top 20 in this year's AIM, and to have made it to the Knock-Out round of the NGADM! Putting together something for that at the moment.
I'll be continuing to post my monthly littlMix and monthly piece of music, but for the most part I'll have to be residing in reality (whatever that means) for the next few months. Kinda looking forward to doing my year review; it'll be good to look back on what all has happened in 2023.