Wanna know the secrets of the universe? All of the answers to life's problems?
So do I.
In the meantime, here's a littl mix of songs that I especially enjoyed on the NG audio portal this past month.
@deadman, @blandaflamma, @mothlightx, @VenusiaX, @ValerieHell, @Synami, @AUTOSTEREOGRAM, @Zechnition, @foghorntape, @JoeBurgerr, @HumanCenterpiece, @LordAndiso, @Glassedhouse, @masterakuma99, @FOUNDDEADINLA, @ForgottenDawn, @cocojoeyyy
Also, if there's any tracks on the audio portal you especially enjoy, feel free to shoot them my way! I'm always on the lookout for tracks, and I'm always too busy to do so in a timely manner. :P