For the last six or seven years, I've had a dream - to make a documentary about Logan Whitehurst.
Logan was an extremely talented artist and musician, with a zany sense of humor to boot. I first discovered him through the works of Jason Steele (Charlie The Unicorn, Llamas With Hats) and Neil Cicierega, who both pointed to him as their inspiration. And the more I discovered about the guy, the more I fell in love not only with the music, but his personality. Logan seemed like a genuinely nice person - something which is hard to come by - and I really wanted to share who he was with as many people as I could.
Here are some animations by @RWappin - who will be animating for the documentary - of a couple of fantastic Logan songs to introduce you to the kind of music Logan made.
Finally, about a year ago, I began contacting people online. Family, friends, fans - anybody I could. I was able to confirm over 40 people to be interviewed, and with my producer Matlock Zumsteg (who started out as just an interview subject, but was so dedicated to the project I bought him onboard) we planned out how we were going to tackle this.
And now, I have a Kickstarter.
If this piques your interest whatsoever, please be sure to check it out. And if you think you know someone who would be interested, share it with them!
Thank you so much.
Side-note: I apologize for the delays in the last few @ACoupleOfCrickets episodes. This project has been taking up all of my spare time, but I promise Episode 48 will be up by this Sunday.
For a whole seven years... feels like that should've been enough time to revise the kickstarter text so there's no unfitting blank space at the start of one of the paragraphs. ;)
It does sound like something I'd like to see, contributed one of those amounts that'd be sufficient if just a hundred thousand more people join in, many rivers small... hope this thing goes viral somehow. Seems like a long way left.
Then again it's just been a day so maybe this is actually really insanely promising already.